You are here: L`Ortec Medical » Medical Equipment » L.A.S.E.R. » Nd:YAG 1064nm - 532nm Tattoo Removal
Tattoo X9
The Tattoo Remover equipment uses Nd:YAG technology and offers high quality results, due to its rezistant components. Its capacitors are made in Japan and have great functioning power, which allows an extensive use of the device, increasing efficiency. The radiators are strategically placed inside the equipment, for better cooling and to avoid overheating and thus damaging the device. Also, the foot switch offers an easy, convenient operation.
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Type L.A.S.E.R .: Nd: YAG Single Yag Bar
Pulse width: 6 ns
Wavelength: 1064nm, 532nm
Energy: 800mj
Frequency: 6Hz
Spot size: 1-8mm
Power: 500W
Review: 5