You are here: L`Ortec Medical » Medical Equipment » L.A.S.E.R. » Nd:YAG 1064nm - 532nm Tattoo Removal
The D-Light Plus equipment from L’Ortec Medical using Nd:YAG Q-Switch technology offers a variety of ways to be used:
· Fading or removing tattoos of different colours
· Removing cosmetic tattoos (eyebrows, lips)
· Removing age spots
· Removing sun spots
The source is an YAG – Yttrium Aluminum Garnet enriched with a small amount of Neodymium (Nd), while Q-Switch (Quality Switch) technology ensures short energy flashes (nanoseconds).
The principle on which D-Light’s Nd:YAG lasers’ functioning is based is selective phototermolysis. This consists of a light pulse with a preselected specific wavelength, transmitted to the target structure in order to remove certain pigments. As a consequence of selective phototermolysis, the optical energy is absorbed by the tattoo ink or, in case of pigmentated lesions, by the skin’s melanin, without affecting surrounding tissue, which remains intact.
Due to its two wavelengths, of 532 nm and 1064 nm, the Nd:YAG laser can remove coloured tattoos as well, besides black ones. By penetrating the skin, the laser’s light interacts with cells containing pigments. These cells heat up until the disintegrate, being removed through sweating or through the lymfatic circuit.
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Type L.A.S.E.R .: Nd: YAG Double Yag Bar
Technology: PICO
Pulse width: 2000ps
Wavelength: 532nm - 755nm - 1064nm
Energy: 500mJ - 800mJ - 1500mJ
Frequency: 15 Hz
Spot size: 1 ~ 10mm
Power: 1500W
Review: 5